Spring break is winding down here at Stone central, and I didn't get as much done as I had hoped. I did get the annoyingly long and busy-workish "Teachers and the Law" final done, which doesn't seem like a big deal now, but would have been a bugger to have to deal with on top of my other school work.
At this point, it becomes a game of deciding what layers of my many responsibilities and preparations get shuffled through and brought to the surface for some attention. I did get a chance, today, to sit down and study a bit about the GRE Literature test. The Princeton Review has a pretty decent and easily read prep book that I have been perusing through (check that html link action!). I have pretty much decided that I will also be taking a general GRE exam test prep class (which will mean that the total amount spent on the GRE after the 3 previous times, the 2 upcoming and the prep class will hover around $1000). I will be talking to Dr. Perry about these things soon, but already think I know what he is going to say: retake it and do well.
One funny thing: While watching 24 episodes this week, one of the characters clearly said "For all intents and purposes..." It blew my mind. I immediately asked Tina if I was the only one that had been saying "for all intensive purposes" my whole life not knowing that it was incorrect. She, of course, didn't make that mistake. I discovered after some internetting that mine is a very common mistake. Much like "supposebly" and a million other ways that we mess the language up by speaking it, for all intensive purposes injured me...injured bad.
Just for fun, if any of the few of you that read this can think of any other mistakes like this, feel free to comment.